The Stories

Cambodia and the Year of UNTAC is available in hard copy and electronic formats from and Guernica Editions. You can read much more about the book at

Hiking in Palestine - what you need to know to walk in the footsteps of Jesus

ion hallSuan Mokkh, a meditation in Southern Thailand (a photo essay)

Ayahuasca is a psychologically healing plant that grows in South America. I had many wonderful and strange experiences with it. Here are links to some of my stories and links to meditation sources, in case ayahuasca doesn't interest you..

indiaIndia 2010 (a travel journal with pictures)

beggarsBeggars of Bodh Gaya (a photo essay)

TibetWestern Tibet and a Trip to Mount Kailash (a travel journal with pictures)

gabonGabon and initiation to the Iboga Cult (a travel journal, the greatest single adventure of my life, with pictures)

TaviTavi, the Danish Hermit of Tonga (From 1950 until the 1990s a Danish savant lived on isolated islands in the South Pacific Kingdom of Tonga. I knew him well. This is my remembrance.)

Demining in Laos in 1999 I worked, briefly, but intensely, with deminers in Laos.

Hugh and Mary Lee RiddleMary Lee Riddle and Hugh Riddle, my parents. If you haven't written about your parents yet, maybe this will inspire you. There is a little movie about my father's life as well.

Riddle CoachRiddle Coach and Hearse Company (this company sold coaches from 1831 until 1925)

erLynching me for Speaking out Against the Iraq War (I was the first person in my small town to speak out against the Iraq War. The locals wanted to hang me.)

My grandfatehr found 67Native American points (arrowheads) on his farm east of Ravenna, Ohio, you can see those as a PDF.